Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chapter 2 Part 2

POST 3 - Please find  2 timelines of the Fertile Crescent from Sumeria to Persian Empire.  After posting or linking to the 2 timelines - please write a 3-7 sentence entry telling which timeline would make a better addition to your textbook.

POST 9 - Please use or power point to answer Q4 on Page 49.  Feel free to add pictures from the web to the document.  Books are in the room!

POST 10 -  Write an entry describing why Cyrus/Darius or Zoroaster was the most influential Persian leader.   Explain your choice clearly.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chapter 2 The Ancient Near East - books on cart in front of room.

POST 2 - Please follow the link to this site.  Please take quiz 3,4, and 5.  As you take them please make a list of 15 important facts/

POST 3 - Please create/find a useful timeline of the Fertile Crescent from 4000bc - 500bc - please focus on inventions and leadership changes.  This maybe done on time toast and linked to this post.

POST 4- Pretend you are a travel agent and write a letter(one paragraph) to the Sumerians identifying another river valley the could have settled in instead of Mesopotamia.  The best posts will include a map or picture of the suggested region.

POST 5 - Write back to the travel agent as a Sumerian explaining why the Fertile Crescent was the ideal place to set up city-states.

POST 6 - Please find and link to a full text of Hammurabi's code.  In your post name 5 of his laws that you think we should enact today and explain why.

POST 7 - Write your own code in the style of Hammurabi for Northern HS.  Must include at least 12 laws.

POST 8 - Use pages 12-44.  Design and award the Most Important _______________ (person, empire, invention, idea, etc) of the early Fertile Crescent Empires.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Assignment #1

Please create a separate link list using the "gadget" options for each of the topics listed below the instructions.

Our goal is 5-8 good sources for future use. 

Please name each gadget/link list with an obvious/appropriate title.

  1. Nations of the Fertile Crescent (Sumerians, Mesopotamia, Phoenicians)
  2. Egyptian Civilizations (Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom)
  3. Greek Culture
  4. Roman Empire
  5. Middle Ages
  6. Renaissance and Reformation
Please also post the name and link to your blog on the edmodo wall.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Post 1 - Introduction

Please do a post introducing yourself.  Things you can speak to:
  • What are you interested in?
  • What are your hobbies/extra curricular activities?
  • What makes you unique?
  • Why did you take this class?
  • What about the Ancient Civilizations intrigues you.
  • Name 3 things you hope to get out of this class.